Our utmost concern will be for the safety and protection of our church family of all ages during this time of re-opening. We stress that each member needs to consider if and how they can participate in our planned re-opening. The Evangelical Covenant Church of Pomeroy, Iowa is committed to ministering to our church family and surrounding communities in person and online. Our goal as a church is to serve everyone equally.
This plan is the result of conversations with area churches, medical professionals, and research done by the Executive Council (EC).
As a family sharing life in Christ, we will include all ages in our re-opening guidelines.
The EC will continue to review this plan every two weeks.
The EC may at any time prolong or alter any phase of this reopening plan, based on government recommendations, orders, or other pertinent information about the spread of COVID-19 in our area.
The following guidelines exist in order to aid those cleaning the church and ensure the overall safety of those visiting Pomeroy Covenant.
Remember, there are different views on social distancing, masks, etc. Please respect everyone’s opinion and space.
Phase One (Begins May 31st) During this phase, the following ministries may resume:
In-person small groups.
In-person T.O.T.A.L.
In-person Confirmation.
In-person ministry team meetings.
During this phase, the following ministries will remain postponed:
All Sunday morning on-campus ministries.
All in-person children’s ministries.
During this phase, ministries are asked to follow these meeting guidelines.
Please do not come if you exhibit any symptoms.
Individuals commit to practicing CDC COVID-19 guidelines.
Prior to use, ministries must communicate the date and time of use with the church office. This information will be communicated via email and on the church website.
Ministries complete a form designating the date and time of facility use.
Ministries may only meet on-campus on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Facilities will be cleaned every Thursday and Monday.
The sanctuary, kitchen, nursery, and children’s rooms are labeled “Closed until further notice.”
Ministries will not serve refreshments.
Phase Two (Begins June 14th) During this phase, the following ministries may resume:
In-person Sunday morning worship service.
During this phase, the following ministries will remain postponed:
Sunday school (for all ages).
During this phase, worshipers must follow all “Phase One” guidelines, plus the following:
Facility doors open at 10:00am. Please enter through the main doors and exit through the Youth and Family Office door.
Worshipers commit to practicing CDC COVID-19 guidelines.
Worshipers sanitize or wash their hands upon entering.
We recommend that worshipers wear masks (available upon entry).
Worshipers gather as a household, six feet apart from other households.
Worshipers do not linger inside the building following the service.
Worshipers conduct post-service conversation outdoors (i.e., the parking lot).
Note: there will be no hymnals, Bibles, prayer cards, children’s bags, or bulletins (available online). Please bring your own items.
Worshipers may give offerings in the box in the sanctuary, via mail, or online.
Final Phase (Date TBD) All other ministries will be phased in and/or adjusted as circumstances warrant. During this phase, the following ministries may resume:
Disciple City.
Sunday school.
A Word From Pastor Grayson Dear P-Cov, We have described this COVID-19 season as “the wilderness.” Now, as we begin a new season, I remember the words God gave to Joshua as Israel left its own wilderness season: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”. I also remember Jesus’ words in John 17:20-21: 20“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” Together, let us courageously enter this new season, unified as one church under Jesus Christ. Sincerely, Pastor Grayson
The Executive Council Church Staff Pastor Grayson Daganaar Jen Pearson, Director of Children and Youth Charlie Ahlrichs, Chair Joni Gerdes, Secretary Carroll McLuckie, Vice-Chair Melanie Nesbitt, Music Leader Julie Weidauer, Secretary Shari and Craig Nesbitt, Janitors Corinne Peterson, Treasurer