Our Vision and Mission
OUR VISION is to grow as a multi-generational church family that is actively involved in reaching out to our neighbors and the world, striving to provide effective youth ministries, and building up one another through large and small group experiences.
OUR MISSION as a family of believers responding to the call of God, is to freely share our new life in Christ and to live in ways which help our neighbors turn or return to a transforming faith in Him. To make our Mission Statement come alive, we will strive to:
- Understand our purpose as a church family in terms of Christ's great purpose--to seek and save lost people, making them His disciples.
- Offer a grace-filled atmosphere where people can discover God's love and where prodigals can come home.
- Provide a warm, authentic atmosphere of vibrant worship that is both accessible to the unchurched and meaningful to believers of all ages.
- Include newcomers in our life together; our fellowship and traditions, and our ministry and dreams.
- Express our faith to our neighbors and to the world through ministries of mercy and compassion.
- Grow together as disciples of Jesus Christ; in faith, in the knowledge of God, and in maturity under the authority of the living Word of God, and to nurture our young people as they develop in their faith.
- Honor our past while we focus on our future.
- Exercise our responsibility as stewards; of the resources, the talents, the energy, and the time God has placed in our care.