This team spent a week in the Dominican Republic serving with former church members and now missionaries, Eric and Kindsey Schneider and Kids Alive.
Missions and Benevolence
The Missions and Benevolence Ministry Team exists to reach out and help others here and around the world to know Christ by creating and increasing awareness within our congregation for our supported mission families, for finding mission projects, and for short-term mission opportunities both here and abroad.
Some of the Missions supported in 2014:
Missionary Families:
Local and National Mission Projects:
Some of the Missions supported in 2014:
Missionary Families:
- Don and Janet Ekstrand--Japan
- Pete and Cindy Ekstrand--Democratic Republic of Congo
- John and Ann Powers--Hungary
- Francisco and Stephanie Ramos--France
Local and National Mission Projects:
- Calhoun and Pocahontas County Food Banks
- Becaon of Hope, Perk Closet, Fort Dodge
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes--Pocahontas and Manson Chapters
- Twin Lakes Bible Camp--new lodge project
- Alaska Inter Generational Mission Trip
- Intervarsity Fellowship, Brendan George at Creighton, Rebecca Black at ICCC
- Salvation Army
- KICY, Nome, Alaska
- Pocahontas Country CROP Hunger Walk--22 walkers
- Amundsen Center, Alaska
- Kasey Manning, CTI Music Ministries
- Pomeroy Porch Project
- Covenant World Relief
- Paul Carlson Partnership
- Friends of World Missions
- Roger Reeck/Herald of Faith, Honduras
- Eric and Kindsey Schneider--Kids Alive, mission trip to Haiti
- Toby Archer--OM Ministries, England
- Isaac Janssen--Compassion International, Mission trip to Tanzania
- Rev. Simon Kamau--Computers for Kenya
- VBS project--Santiago Partnership, Ecuador
- Covenant Kids Congo--Sephora, Leonie, Kotongo (our sponsor children)
- Operation Christmas Child
- Distributed Caring in Crises Funds
- Special offerings as needed